Helping people build healthy and stable lives makes our community stronger. We connect immigrant families, and children in need to valuable resources like health, legal, and public services. If you are in need of assistance, you can learn more about the programs and services below.
Agency dedicated to supporting over 3.2 million immigrant New Yorkers to ensure immigrants access to public services in partnership with agencies across the city and community partners.
Search for free or low cost immigration legal services providers and non-profits by state, county, or detention facility.
Free, safe immigration legal help network of trusted community-based organizations for immigrant New Yorkers.
Identification card for NYC residents, regardless of immigration status. This free, municipal ID provides access to services and programs offered by the City.
Filing income taxes as an undocumented worker IS possible and it might be in your best interests to do so, to do so you’ll need to obtain an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN).